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Профессионалам: тестовый медицинский перевод

(английский русский, 867 знаков)


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Information on the ability of power toothbrushes to control calculus formation is rare and therefore this study investigated this aspect of efficacy, comparing the ХХХ and YYY power toothbrushes. This was a crossover study involving a total of 81 subjects from a general population who used in a randomised sequence ХХХ and YYY toothbrushes, and a manual brush with tartar control toothpaste, which served as a positive control. Following 9 weeks of manual brush use with a non-tartar control toothpaste, each test brush was used for a period of 9 weeks, after which subjects switched to the next brush in the sequence. Calculus was scored using the Volpe Manhold Calculus Index and stain using the Lobene Stain Index. Results demonstrated that all three brushes in the study were safe. All three products significantly reduced the levels of calculus from baseline.



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