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(английский русский, 1152 знака)


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Emphasized (designed) focal points

Focal points that lie outside the force fields defined by the geometrical or morphological conditions and that are intended to be relevant within the design need a clear, solidly material presence. This applies all the more strongly the further their position or the point from which they are viewed is from ‘automatically effective’ focal points (e.g. geometrical centre).

As long as the position of a focal point is still clearly and recognizably derived from the context (through direction and position), it confirms (emphasizes) the context it relates to, categorizes itself, ‘subjects’ itself to the contextual requirements. A connection is sought, the independence of the space as a whole is reinforced.

Path signs and markers

As well as the signs inherent in the path, the use of path markers is another way to non-compulsory (positive) control. Path markers are individual measures taken along the path in addition to a surface that is comfortable to walk on, encouraging people to stay on the path at certain places. Making the path lower than its surroundings is one of the most natural and oldest path markers.



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